Is your perfectionist holding your desires hostage?

Has your poopy perfectionist been holding your desires hostage? Not sure? This is how you can tell.

If you find yourself saying "I can't do ______ until I've done ______" (i.e. I can't start dating/writing until I've lost weight/cleared clutter) that means your perfectionist is holding your desires hostage.

If that's happening for you I want you to be suspicious and I want you to watch today's brand new video now.

Be curious, ask questions and please for the love of the Goddess don't believe your perfectionist's ultimatums because they are total bullsh*t.

Have you been holding any of your desires hostage? What are you doing to do about it? I'd love to hear, please hit reply or comment below the video.

Sending you so much love,

p.s. Please send this to your friend who has been holding their desires hostage and then make a plan together!

p.p.s. My greatest joy comes from supporting people who are ready for transformation and I've just opened up a couple of slots for one on one clients. If you're curious you can check out my coaching programs and book a no cost, no pressure clarity call. I would love to work with you. <3