I'm on my tippy toes at No Frills, Prince's banger Kiss is playing in the background*, I'm trying to reach the last package of No Name sesame rice crackers which is just out of reach and I'm weighing my options.
Do I:
A) climb on the bottom shelf precariously to get closer?
B) give up and forgo the crunchy companion to my garlic hummus?
C) make myself vulnerable and ask a vertically blessed stranger for help?
What would you do?
I think we have this myth of the lone wolf. That it's something to strive for, to be independent, to not need anyone, to be totally and completely self sufficient.
Why? Do we get extra points for doing it alone? Nope. Does it make things harder? OMG yes.
We look at the people around us who are really productive, and it looks like they are self sufficient but I'll bet you my beloved stuffed bees that each and every one of them has support of some kind in their lives.
"Lone wolf is kind of a myth, most wolves like to be in packs"
drawing by the wonderful Catriona Sturton F Clutter Club participant, musician and artist
I looked up lone wolf on Wikepedia and it says:
"A lone wolf is a wolf that lives independently rather than with others as a member of a pack. Lone wolves are typically either older female wolves driven from the pack...
Lone wolves have difficulty hunting the wolves' favorite prey: large ungulates, which are troublesome for a single wolf to bring down alone. Instead, lone wolves generally hunt smaller animals and scavenge carrion, and scent mark their territory less frequently than other wolves.
Very few wolves remain lone wolves."
It doesn't sound so great. Driven from the pack. Can't eat your favourite food. You have to survive on smaller prey and you don't own your territory. Sounds like a small existence. Lone wolves do exists but very few wolves remain lone wolves.
I've definitely been guilty of lone wolfing it. Whether it's reaching for something at the grocery store or making things happen in my life I've struggled for months by myself and sometimes years feeling stuck. I've felt despair, lonely, like a loser and very sorry for myself.
But you know what? As soon as I ask for help, as soon as I open myself to support, things start to move. It's vulnerable and it's scary to take that step but I never regret it. Sometimes it's as simple as stating my intention to another human being or asking for some practical support like help reaching crackers.
I'll admit that the "asking for help" thing doesn't always come naturally to me but I've been working on it lately.
In fact at this very moment I am not doing this alone. I'm on a video work date with a stranger as write this email to you so I stay focused and off facebook. Do I teach what I need to learn? Why yes I do!
You don't need to lone wolf it either at least when it comes to clutter clearing and making your life amazing because I've created the 3 month F Clutter Club just for you.
There will be group coaching and clutter clearing calls, I'll set you up with a clutter clearing buddy if you like, there's a facebook group and throughout you'll have me cheering you on for three whole months. There are already many beautiful peeps signed up.
And don't worry if you don't have a lot of clutter to clear or if the thought of clearing clutter for three months is tiring. You can use the Club to do anything that you've been putting off. That includes self care and creativity. It's just as important to take time to consciously care for yourself (instead of mindlessly doom scrolling the news) as it is to take time to be productive.
Click HERE to find out more and join. Registration closes on Monday January 11th at midnight.
What can you do to join the pack and get some support? Where have you been struggling on your own? Let me know by hitting reply.
Sending lots of love and I want you to know that I'm always here for support if you need me.
*p.s. I LOVE the music at No Frills. I've started several dance parties, usually in the organics aisle, at No Frills.