I’m in the middle of nowhere on an extinct volcano meditating from morning until night for the next two weeks. I feel so grateful to be here.
Pond at sunrise by Cecilia Moorcroft
It doesn’t feel like the time to write very much so I’ll keep this short.
In the meditation work that I do we use a term for when life pulls us out, it’s exvolution. We experience exvolution pretty much every time we get on our phone, open our email, turn on the TV or walk out our door. Exvolution pulls us out of ourselves, out of our centre.
The cure to exvolution is involution. Involution is the process of going inside. Not inside our minds with our endless thoughts and worries but into the core of ourselves. The place that’s quiet and still. It’s not easy to get there but those moments of involution are so precious to me.
I’m curious what pulls you out in your life and what helps you to go back inside to the place that’s quiet and still?
Sending much love from this still and quiet space.
p.s. I’ll be back home on August 7th and full of fire and momentum for my clients. If you’re curious to work with me contact me and we’ll set up a time to talk as soon as I’m off the mountain. I have 2 slots open and would LOVE to work with you especially if you’re eager for transformation.
p.p.s. More love…
p.p.p.s. Today is a full moon, total lunar eclipse with the moon conjunct Mars. I'm not sure what it means but it sounds intense!