I have avoided making a post here for over 3 years, so today in honour of the new moon I'm taking one step.
I had grand plans of a brand new website, a brand new look, a brand new life before I took this step but I'm not going to wait any longer.
The fact is my life IS brand new and completely different from when I made that last post January 8, 2015 less than a week before my dad died.
I have come undone and been put back together literally (two broken fingers) and figuratively (ended a 10 years relationship moved to California, found love and moved back to Toronto again).
I've raged and grieved (hello fuck colouring). I've raged and loved (hello fuck clutter). I made myself visible and then went back into hiding.
I don't want to hide anymore. I want to be visible.
I can feel something lift as I type, I can feel something change.
I invite you to join me.
What's one step you can take? Maybe it's one you've been waiting to take for years (like me) or one that you've only been waiting on for minutes (like putting those dishes beside you in the sink or that empty ripped envelope in the recycling).
3...2...1... STEP!
And because it's the new moon make a new moon wish when you do. Heck, just for old times sake when you're done leave a comment below.
I believe in you and I believe in myself! <3