Space for Life

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Too Much...

Recently a new friend made a comment about me after a dance class where I was particularly “expressive”. She said:

“Don’t get me started on Miss Cecilia. She’s too much, all the time in all the right ways.”

It was incredibly touching for me to hear because I've always judged the “too much” part of myself and at the same time I often feel like I'm not enough. I'm giggling as I write that it reminds me of something that my astrologer said about me. 

She said that I talk like a bad girl but I’m a good girl inside. 

The bad girl is compelled to shock. She lives to talk about things like death and sex. She loves the F word and destroying colouring books and posting them on facebook. She likes to be daring and risky and outrageous.  

When I express my bad girl I’m visible, I’m loud, I’m seen. 

I feel like I'm “too much”. 

My good girl is so sensitive. She's shy, she's good, she worries a lot about what other people think about her. She wants to be liked. She's a good friend and a good helper. 

When I express my good girl I’m quiet, I’m hidden, I’m safe. 

I feel like I'm “not enough”. 

And the shame! The shame that comes with feeling too much and not enough. No more. 

I've decided that I'm going to embrace all the parts of me, including my good girl and my bad girl, the outrageous, the quiet and all the places in between. I especially want to embrace my “too much”. 

I can be all of me just as you can be all of you and you know what? We're both perfect just the way we are. 

My new moon wish for both of us is BIG love for ALL of our parts. 

Which of your parts are you going to say YES to today?


p.s. You know what? I would LOVE to work with you. I've been loving my one on one coaching practice and I have a new program that's perfect if you're ready to dive deep and love all of your parts too. I have 3 spots open this month and one has your name on it. Curious? Just drop me a line and we'll set up a time to talk. 

p.p.s. Yay!