Space for Life

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Make space for the new year - Clearing clutter

I'm sitting here in my hot pink bathrobe singing 99 Luftballons by Nena. 

I've been in 80s and 90s nostalgia mode for a couple weeks now, drooling over Dawson from Dawson's Creek (oh those oversized clothes and floppy hair!), mourning the loss of My So Called Life and remembering all my old favorite bands (Offspring anyone?).

I've been getting a lot of calls and notes from people who have been clearing their clutter this past week so I thought you might be interested in doing some too. 

This is actually a great time to clear out the old to make way for the new... year!  (oh so corny!)

But it's true!

We're coming up to the Winter Solstice which is like the new moon of the year.  The time between the full moon and the new moon is always a great time to clear clutter and handy dandy we just had a full moon on Tuesday.  So that makes this time of year the ultimate time to clear out the dark and old to make room for the loved and LIGHT. 

Before you go to clear your clutter, take a moment to see what you want to make space for in the new year.  How do you want to feel?  What do you want to experience?  Do it from your heart, not your mind.

Use your desires to guide you in your clutter clearing efforts. If you're not sure if you should keep it or toss it, see if it supports you in what you want to create in the new year.

If you're single and want a partner, do those love letters and dried out roses support your quest for new love or hinder it?

If you're struggling in your career, are the remnants of careers and schooling past helping you find occupational bliss or holding you back?

If you're struggling financially, are all those lost puppies helping you feel rich or poor?  FYI, 'lost puppies' are those things we keep because they could be valuable if we fixed them up.  The chair that's only missing one leg, the couch that needs to be reupholstered etc...We rescued them because of their potential, but they're really just holding us back.

If you have things of actual value that you want to sell, what are you waiting for?  That's what kijiji is for and there's loads of people looking for Christmas presents right now!  (that reminds me, I have a bass guitar and an amp in the back of my closet that it's time to sell)

If 2013 left you feeling rung out and depleated, does that to do list the length of a shark make you feel motivated for the new year or exhausted?  Remember you can always cross things off before you do them.  Let go of that unfinished business now, it can be your Christmas gift to yourself.

If you have the time and the desire, go on and make some beautiful space for the new year. 

Don't do it because you should, I've declared December a "should-free" month, hence the hot pink bathrobe (with argyle socks, I might add), do it because you want MORE in 2014.

More ease, more peace, more love, more fun, more creativity, more heart and more connection. 

I'd love to hear from you!  How are you doing?  What are you making space for in 2014?  You can let me know in the comments below or if you're shy you can always send me a personal email, I read and respond to every one.

Sending you oodles of love, light and wayward holiday card sparkles.



p.s. Share this with your friend who could use a fresh start in 2014

p.p.s. I'm around during the holidays and have a few appointments left if you want some help making space for the new year.  Just email me to book an appointment. 

p.p.p.s. If you're reading this and you're not on my list, well get yerself on it.  Click here to join!