Clear Your Clutter to Find Yourself
I just have one thing to say about clearing clutter. It's not about the stuff.
If it's not about the stuff, then what is it about?
It's about YOU! It's about what you think you deserve and what you think you don't. It's about your self worth. It's about how you see yourself and where you you are in life. It's about figuring out WHO you are, who you really really are. It's about saying YES to yourself. It's about saying YES to life.
Every little bit of clutter you let go of has the capability of bringing you one step closer to yourself, your true self. Not who you used to be, or who you thought you might be, or who your parents wanted you to be or who your friends thought you could be.
YOU... Who you really are...
When I first started my clutter clearing journey, I didn't have a clue who I was. I didn't know what I wanted, and to be fair I never even dared to ask myself what it might be. It was scary to step into the unknown, into the realm of knowing who I'm not, but not being sure who I am. But it was oh so worth it. When I compare that unsure, insecure, lost girl to the woman I am today I am so glad that I ventured into the life not yet lived.
This is an invitation to take the plunge, to dive head, bum or feet first into the waters of self discovery. It can start with one t-shirt, with one letter, with one ill fitting shrunken sweater. Each decision you make is a point for LIFE, for your life, for the life you truly want. Each decision you make is a point for YOU.
You can start today, with one thing. Make it real. Make it count. Do it for team YOU! Why? Because, as they say you're worth it and more than that you are worth figuring out who the heck you really are.
As always, you can share your experiences here and please pass this along to any family and friends you think could benefit.
Take care,
Cecilia Moorcroft
p.s. If you live in Toronto I would like to invite you to join me for a free talk, Clear Your Clutter to Find Yourself on Wednesday June 20 at 7pm. You can read more about it and register here.
p.p.s. Meditation was the last key to my clutter clearing puzzle. Just a quick reminder that the beautiful and insightful Samantha Keen will be in Toronto offering an introductory weekend workshop called Awakening the Third Eye June 23-24. You can read more about it and sign up here.